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Heart vs Mind

Writer's picture: Laura AboliLaura Aboli

In considering starting this blog, the following internal scenario played out:

On one side of the ring was my heart being the perfect coach, I could almost hear it; "Come on Laura! you can do it! go for it! Speak your mind, share your thoughts, voice your opinions! why not?'. On the other side of the ring, my mind's dialogue went something more along these lines; 'What makes you think that anyone is interested in what you have to say?' 'Why would people listen to you?' 'Who do you think you are?'. I am sure you can all relate to this type of mind discourse! Isn't our mind just lovely, huh?

Luckily for me, I have learned to put my mind in its rightful place, exactly where it belongs:- in the tool box! That is nowhere near the driving seat. Don't get me wrong, our mind is the most wonderfully useful tool, it's helped me learn everything I know, but it's not the boss. It does not guide me, it does not drive me and it certainly won't be making important decisions for me. For that I have a better ally, my faithful companion, my compass, my guide: I have my heart. My heart always knows better for it is in touch with the seen and the unseen, with the known and the unknown, with what is and what is not, and it has never failed me. So remember, always follow your heart, it's the best GPS.

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5 comentarios

Jacob Conterio
Jacob Conterio
31 dic 2023

There is a unique holisticness in how you arrange yourself. It is almost poetic. Factual information is given so gracefully with true purpose of heart in such gentleness. Your blog is truly a gem in the midst of an otherwise chaotic corner of an ever growing vast virtual realm.

Remember that a thing of beauty is a joy forever, and untold numbers in a variety of life's conditions will yet be blessed by considering your words placed so eloquently to create a true masterpiece here and certainly in the posts I havent read yet.

Thank you for these nice digital gifts. I've only read a few out of order here and there and can't wait to read the others. Than…

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Laura Aboli
Laura Aboli
01 ene 2024
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Dear Jacob,

Thank you for your very kind words.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be appreciated. Thank you…

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Jonathan Warren
Jonathan Warren
16 nov 2023

The Good follows those on the journey of the heart Voyaging the darkness of the unknown

Fear not the trials The drawing of the curtains

Strength of heart is tuned by the unlearning A letting go of the ways of the world of falsehood

Allowing the Good to lead the path You will have what you need


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David Kammerer
David Kammerer
02 ene 2022

I have found over the years there is much to unlearn. Yes the heart is a better compass for life. The heart knows things that the mind is not aware of. I believe the heart is in touch with the things that are eternal.

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Steve Ozanich
15 feb 2023
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David K. is spot on, there could be books written on what he said here and probably are. They found brain neurons on the heart in the 90s. "We all get older and our eyes get weaker but what we've seen with our hearts remains forever a thing of joy and beauty." (Herman Groves). The heart is the seat of consciousness, as Ramana Maharshi said, "Pure consciousness, which is the heart, includes all, and nothing is outside or apart from it. That is the Ultimate Truth." He stated that the world is seen through the mind but those who realized the Self in the heart have transcended duality (as David wrote here "eternal").

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